We’ve released Yet Another Quassel IRC Alpha! Besides various bugfixes (the nick selector works again!), quassel-0.2.0-alpha4 brings you some real nice new features:
- The backlog is now dynamically replayed from the core. This means as you scroll further up in a buffer, new backlog lines will be automagically requested and displayed. This gives you the possibility to scroll up "infinitely", well, up to the point where you first entered that channel...
- Server passwords work now. Just enter them in the server edit dialog (Settings -> General -> Networks -> Edit Server).
- Highlighted messages now make your systray icon flash and/or display a shiny bubble. Configurable under Settings -> Behavior -> General.
This release also breaks the core/client protocol (again, and it won’t be the last time), so both your core and client need to be alpha4 to work.