Fixing teh bugz: 0.4.1 released

We have recently tagged a bugfix release for the stable branch, appropriately named 0.4.1. Users of 0.4.0 are heavily recommended to upgrade. Note that no new features have been added; users of the development version from git should not use 0.4.1 as it would be a downgrade.

Some of the bugs fixed include:

  • Correctly display images in the web preview in static builds
  • Improve selection and multi-line paste behavior
  • Fix cert handling for identities
  • Create a proper default identity for new networks
  • Improve ping timeout detection (don't time out after 30 seconds with a shaky connection)
  • Fix bufferview sorting
  • Updated and new translations: Slovenian, Russian, French, Czech, German, Turkish
  • Improve flood control (avoiding Excess Flood in most cases)
  • Various improvements to the build system

You can grab the new release from our download page; many distributions also have updated packages available already. <

